Saturday, September 12, 2015

 A few pics of some Northern Water Snakes and Queen Snakes from the swimming hole.

It never ceases to amaze me at how uniformed people harbor such a deep fear of snakes and a complete misunderstanding of them.

I've had people flip out and vow never to go swimming again at a favorite river swimming spot after I pointed out no less than four Northern Water Snakes live in the rocks by the river bank.

It's as if the knowledge of a snake being there evokes the response of "I didn't know there were snakes here I'm leaving" despite the fact that the snakes have been there for years and have never bothered them until I pointed them out hiding in the rocks like the one in the video.

I've swam in the area where this one was found for about 7 or 8 years now and it wasn't until I started looking for a snake that I saw a snake there.

The area in question is inhabited by around four Northern Water Snake specimens and an additional two Queen Snakes all of which I've located and a few of which (the queens) I've managed to catch and study up close without any aggression being displayed.

For the most part a persons fear of snakes is unfounded as most are non venomous and won't usually be aggressive and even the venomous species usually only display aggressive behavior as a last resort and an attempt at self preservation.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

This isn't our usual subject but I captured it on video while swimming the other day and decided to pass it on.

This video shows a Praying Mantis eating a bumble bee a little at a time and close up.
Check out this short video of an Eastern/Common Garter Snake my buddy found lurking in his garden.

We'll feature tons more videos as we go and grow and they'll get longer as well.
Welcome to the Snake Savvy Blog.

If you need snake information feel free to check out the website at Our Website. We're working on it slowly building the worlds largest online database of snake species information and images.

This is a huge undertaking and as such will take a lot of time to complete due to the fact that I also run brick and mortar stores and other online ventures that severely limit my availability to the project.

I should be back to working on the site sometime this winter as I usually have nothing to do in the winter time as most of my projects are seasonal.

This blog will feature pics and videos of snakes I encounter on my journeys both domesticated and wild specimens.

I hope you enjoy the pics and the info shared here and on the website.